Extenuating Circumstances

The University wants all students to achieve their potential. Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and the University recognises that students perform to the best of their capabilities if they regularly attend classes and participate in all activities associated with their modules.

Extenuating circumstances are serious and exceptional factors outside of students’ control which have a negative impact upon their ability to prepare for or submit/sit an assessment.

Extenuating circumstances claims must be made through filling out the online form attaching scanned evidence documents. If a student cannot access the form, they should contact the Student Engagement and Learning Support Office. The form can be found in Student Record System (srs.edulab.app) under the section called “Submit EC” in left side menu. 

Link to the policy can be found hereThe exerpt from the policy in relation to the evidence is found below


4.1. An extenuating circumstance claim will only be approved where there is independent supporting evidence which demonstrates that the circumstances significantly affected the student’s ability to complete the assessment for which they are claiming.

4.2. Students must provide documentary evidence that substantiates their extenuating circumstances claim. The evidence should:

4.2.1. be dated,

4.2.2. be relevant to the dates of the assessment for which the claim is being made,

4.2.3. indicate how the student’s performance was affected and/or how it affected their ability to attend, complete or submit an assessment.

4.3. Examples of valid independent evidence:

4.3.1. A verified copy of a death certificate to cover bereavement claims relating to a close relative. Where a death certificate is not available or where the claim relates to someone who is not a close relative a medical note recording the impact of bereavement on the student’s health will be accepted.

4.3.2. Medical notes – these must be on letter-headed paper for authentication and must clearly state:

· dates and duration of any illness – these must be relevant to the dates of the assessment for which the claim is being made,

· the likely impact of the illness on the student’s study and assessments.

4.3.3. A police crime report detailing an incident.

4.3.4. A supporting letter from an external counselling service which includes confirmation that the student has been in receipt of counselling support over a period.

4.3.5. Evidence confirming the student’s status as a carer.

4.3.6. Official confirmation from the relevant national/international body of the dates of an external activity at a national or international level.

4.4. Where a student is unsure about what evidence to provide advice should be sought from the Faculty Office.

4.5. Evidence from University Academic staff will be considered when accompanied by additional independent evidence.

4.6. The absence of valid independent evidence will result in the application being rejected.

4.7. Where there is doubt about the authenticity of the evidence supplied, the student may be asked to provide the original or additional documentation. Students should retain the original copy of any documentation submitted as part of their claim.

4.8. Where there is reason to believe a student has provided falsified or fraudulent documentation in support of an extenuating circumstances claim, the matter will be referred to the Disciplinary action of Disciplinary procedure.

                                                                           The diagrams of the EC procedure is given below:

Extenuating Circumstances Chart

Last modified: Thursday, 14 December 2023, 4:21 PM